
Disclaimer: My reviews of media here do not mean that I lay any claim to the media in question. All reviews are entirely subjective. I may talk about how well the movie objectively works in my opinion, but it essentially all comes down to what I think of the movie. My liking a movie is not the same as thinking it's a great movie. If I trash a movie that you love, or love a movie you can’t stand, it’s not because I hate you. Also, all reviews are likely to contain SPOILERS. If you haven’t seen the movies in question and don’t want to know what happens, then you probably shouldn’t be reading about them here. Finally, a blanket trigger warning for people who don't want to read about common horror movie content such as sexism, racism, violence, etc.: I will likely discuss all of the above when they show up in the films I review, so please tread with caution. Check out this post for more on how my reviews are set up.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear internet...

I'm pretty disappointed in myself, not gonna lie. I was all set to have October be the month that I got my shit together on this blog, and then... well, you can see how well that went. Real life wound up taking almost all of my attention, and everything else kind of fell apart. Trying to get back in gear with it though, so expect a (real) post later today.

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